Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) declared it’s class XIIth board result on May 2nd, in a record time of 28 days after the last examination. With a pass percentage of 83.94, CBSE recorded a growth of 0.39% in pass percentage.
Congratulations to everyone who did well in exams and is now excited to begin perhaps the most exciting journey of college!
To those who were not able to perform very well, we have only one advice, this is not it!
It can be disheartening to see low scores, but the point to remember is that this result is a tiny part of the bigger picture. Some strategies that may help those who are feeling distressed right now can be:
- Accepting the result: A poor result can come as a shock to many students, it’s important to accept the result. Doing so, one should remember that results do not define your self worth and one bad grade does not close doors to success. We are living in a time where having the right skills are more important than having a fancy degree!
- Be open to change: Low scores can change the decisions you will have to make about colleges or careers. There are more career opportunities out there than one can imagine and you might actually be more suited for a career you have never thought about! Keeping an open mind and not letting this tiny bump in the road deter you from your path to greatness is very important. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore your interests and find your true calling!
- Start the coping process: No matter how gloomy the world looks right now, it’s important to remember that a change will come. Students tend to bottle up their feelings and indulge is self shaming and self loathing. Instead of blaming yourself for not being enough or not doing enough, channel that energy into positive pursuits. It’s important to let the feelings out so go ahead, scream on top of your voice or dance it out, but once that is done, invest all your energy into telling yourself that you will get through this.
- Start formulating the new plan of action: The most important thing is to keep going. Even if you feel like you can’t control what happens, it’s just not true. You are the captain of your ship, it will go in the direction in which you steer. Look for colleges that offer the course you are interested in but have relaxed entry requirements, or a course that is similar to your area of interest and can give you a solid foundation. There is more than one way to achieve a goal and if one door has closed, find the other one and get moving!
- Ask for help: If you feel that you are not dealing with the pressure very well, talk! Talk to parents, friends, pets, whoever you feel close to. If you feel like shutting down and wallow in negative thoughts, tell your parents how they can help. Seek experiences that you normally enjoy. If you feel like nothing is working, seek professional help. Consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist asap.