Hurry Up! Student Podcast Challenge is Live


Who do you want to be when you grow up?

A data scientist, fashion designer or pilot? Or maybe you haven’t decided that yet and would love to explore. Now imagine hosting your very own podcast, with a Champion of his/her field. Maybe you’d want to know the path they took to be successful. Or maybe you’d like to discuss how a day in their life looks like!

So, participate in the first-ever Student Podcast Challenge ?️ to explore Careers you love. Through a 5 min audio clip, submit questions you would like to ask the champion. Over the last two weeks, 1000+ champions from numerous careers have volunteered to support us. Students with the best entries will be featured on our website and the top 3 will get a chance to interview a Champion for real! ?

Sounds Exciting? Learn more below.



Having your work published on AIM2EXCEL’s website and getting an opportunity to interview a champion for real.



April 13, 2020 9:00 am – April 30,2020 11:59 pm


Who can submit

All students studying in class 6-12. We’ll pick one winner from each of the following 3 age-groups:

      1. 1) Class 6-8
      2. 2) Class 9-10 &
      3. 3) Class 11-12

Please note that you can only submit an entry WITH your parent’s consent.


What you have to do

      1. 1) Choose a career which you would love to explore. It can be anything from data science, fashion design, pilot. Not sure which career to pick? Take this 5-minute FREE test on our website for quick recommendations. You can also discover the 20 most popular careers here.
      2. 2) Imagine that you get to host your very own podcast with a champion from that career. Think about how you’ll introduce yourself and what would you like to ask them? It can be related to their work, their personal life, what they studied in college or what path they followed to reach where they are today. If you want to know more about how to conduct an interview, refer to this podcast by National Public Radio from the USA.
      3. 3) Record an audio clip of not more than 5 minutes asking these questions. If you want, you can conduct this interview along with a friend or sibling. Just remember to include the name of both of you while submitting your entry.
      4. 4) The podcast must have a beginning, middle and end to produce a complete learning experience. Beginning gives context and end gives a summary. This ensures a good listening experience
      5. 5) You can submit only one entry per student.
      6. 6) You can record the podcast in English or Hindi.
      7. 7) WhatsApp your audio clip to 9818953806 with the following details:
        1. a) Name – 
        2. b) Gender – 
        3. c) Class – 
        4. d) Stream –
        5. e) School – 
        6. f) Career – 

Judgement Criteria

Your entry will be evaluated based on the following 3 criteria:

      1. 1) How well have you followed the guidelines
      2. 2) Content – Quality of questions
      3. 3) Flow – audio has a beginning, middle and end

For more details call us on 1800 5725 911

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