Best Career Options in PCM beyond Engineering

PCM Webinar Blog

Summary of webinar

Expert at AIM2EXCEL conducted this FREE Webinar for Parents on Sunday, 24th May at 11 am. 100+ students and parents had registered for the webinar. In the webinar, we talked about how the changing times are opening doors for careers beyond engineering, careers that offer high salaries and secure futures.

Watch the complete video here:

We had shortlisted the following 5 careers:

We covered

1. What does a typical day in these careers look like?
2. How these careers are connected to our daily lives?
3. Which college degrees will guarantee your child’s success in these careers?

Data Scientist 

•Detectives of the digital world
•Data Scientists make meaning from digital data by seeing it in the larger context
•They do this by collecting, organizing, cleaning analysing and interpreting data
•Their interpretation is used by businesses and governments to make better decisions, reach more customers, or provide better services.
•Using both tools and methods from statistics and machine learning

Robotic Scientist

•Robots are those machines which can execute the duties that humans are either unable or prefer not to complete.
•This field deals with the construction, design, application and operation of robots.
•Also involves research methods to manufacture them in a cost-effective manner.

Product Designer

•Who designs the look of different types of products, from mobile devices to vehicles.
• Work with the ease of use for the product, so it’s not all about the aesthetics.
•Make improvements and increase the functionality and efficiency of the product.
•Also design the systems and processes to use different products


Architects plan and design houses, factories, office buildings, and other structures.
•Spend much of their time in offices, where they develop plans, meet with clients, and consult with engineers and other architects.
•Communicate design to clients and engineers
•Visit construction sites to prepare initial drawings and review the progress of projects to ensure that clients’ objectives are met.
•Work individually or in teams, depending on the scale of the project
•Check all regulations have been followed


Air Crew Officer who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
•Two types of Pilots: Commercial/Airline and Defense
•Commercial pilots fly and navigate aeroplanes, helicopters, and other aircraft for airlines etc.
•Defense pilots are in the Air Force and usually fly fighter planes and serve the country

What you can do next:

  1. If you want to know more about how AIM2EXCEL can help you in choosing and planning the RIGHT career/course for your child, please call us on 1800 5725 911.
  2. If you want to know which career options align with your child’s interest, get them to take our FREE 5-minute Demo Test by clicking here.

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